Sunday, May 17, 2020

Reflection Of Reading The Process Of My Reading Process

My reading process overall is very strong and went smoothly. As I read I annotated the pages and this helped me stay more focused and connected with the reading. Today it was hard for me after I went to the bathroom and came back to the reading because I disconnected from the reading and had to try and dive straight back in. I also put my cell phone far away from me when I read or do homework so that I will not be tempted to look at the phone instead of completing my reading. As I read I try to connect with the text as much as I can because I find that this makes it easier for me to remember what the text talked about later. As I read the article I began connecting with not being able to read a full book in a very long time. I used to be†¦show more content†¦This helped me know who it was trying to reach me so that I could keep reading knowing that I could get a hold of them after I was done. I have learned over the years that to be a successful reader that I must be in a quiet place with little to no distractions. If I am in a loud or active place I am more likely to be distracted and not take anything away from my reading. When I read I try to be in a place where I am secluded from others and can just focus on the reading. I have found that my dorm is a good place to do this because my roommate will just put on her headphones and the room will be completely quiet. I believe that my strategy of being in a quiet place with no distraction is working well. Also my strategy of connection the text with my real life and other classes. I may need to work on being able to stay focused in the book if I do have to get up and do something in the middle of my reading. I am aware of this problem though so I just give myself time to do the reading all in one sitting. I do need to work on annotating the text in a more meaningful way that I can understand if I come back to the article later. Right now I just highlight what stands out to me and write connections in the margins and when I come back to the readings later I dont know what is important and what isShow MoreRelatedReflection About Reading And Reflection1090 Words   |  5 PagesWhen I first received my classes for the fall semester of 2017, I noticed the class titled: Introductory College Writing. I instantly rolled my eyes and felt annoyed. Even though English as my favorite subject in high school, my favorite part of English was the reading aspect; I have always loathed the writing portion of English. My expectations in this class was I was going to write about a whole bunch of nonsense and hope to pass. 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