Thursday, September 3, 2020

Family Law has Evolved to Suit Modern Society Essay

Family Law has Evolved to Suit Modern Society - Essay Example In any case, the Law Commission’s paper suggesting reconstructions that would administer the circulation of property between companions upon the separation of the relationship3 exhibits that Family Law in England and Wales has still further to develop before it tends to be reliable with present day society. The Law Commission’s paper distinguishes a urgent irregularity between British Family law and current society. Actually families are framed without the advantage of a solemnized marriage in present day society, especially between same sex accomplices. These families begin like some other family meaning to make their coexistences inconclusively and by making this dedication they bring up kids together and buy property together. As it were, in present day society the structure of the family has changed dramatically.4 The presentation of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 awards same sex couples with the offices to build up an organization that is like a common association and gives upon the accomplices explicit rights and obligations that are regularly conceded to wedded couples.5 However, there is no option to guarantee money related/spousal help upon the breakdown on a common partnership.6 Beyond the 2004 Act, unmarried couples stay off guard as far as settling property once the relationship reaches a conclusion. This reality has driven the Law Commission to allude to the idea of customary marriage as a â€Å"myth†.7 As Baroness Ruth Deech clarifies, the possibility that there is a family establishment in England and Wales alluded to as â€Å"common law marriage† is â€Å"erroneous†.8 The legal executive doesn't have the position to settle property or the privileges of couples who have lived respectively for any timeframe and have chosen to cut off their association. The main plan of action of living together couples cutting off an association is to look for common cures comparative with guaranteeing property through litigation .9 For unwed couples who live respectively all inquiries comparative with funds and property must be settled by reference to the material property and trusts laws.10 It is awful that unmarried couples are denied the chance to determine the money related issues emerging out of the breakdown of their living together when current society requests that they do. Samantha Singer clarifies that popular supposition is on allowing unmarried cohabitees a similar property rights as wedded couples. For example, British Social Attitudes Survey led in 2006 uncovered that most individuals from general society are of the view that â€Å"cohabitants ought to approach money related help on relationship breakdown†.11 A later report on unmarried cohabitees in 2007/2008 uncovered that 74% of the respondents bolstered the possibility of unmarried couples approaching conjugal property repayment laws upon the breakdown of their relationship.12 The results of the forswearing of marital property repay ment laws are especially hard for the cohabitee who relied upon the monetary help of the other cohabitee. The Family law material to wedded couples surely perceives the potential for difficulty on the needy companion. For example, Section 25A(2) of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984 gives that the court is required to decide if a request for spousal help is vital and in doing as such, the court must decide: Whether it is fitting to require those installments to be made†¦

Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Career Profile essays

A Career Profile expositions On October the tenth I talked with Mr. Jonathan Franklin Raymond. Mr. Raymond charmed me since he moved on from a renowned school, yet he has never used his degree. With Mr. Raymonds consent, I will allude to him as Jon all through the meeting and paper. Jennifer: What were your interests as a kid? Jon: I read a great deal of comic books. I additionally had a science set. Truth be told, I had my own little research facility. It comprised of my science set, a magnifying instrument, and a climate station. I likewise preferred to assemble things. Jennifer: Would you see yourself as has having been a social kid? Jon: Yes, I surmise so. I had a couple of truly dear companions. I never truly minded what others thought of me. I was very oblivious of what others thought. Jennifer: What did your dad accomplish professionally? Jon: My dad was a gem dealer. He worked for my granddad up until I was in secondary school, at that point he had his own business. Jennifer: What did your mom accomplish professionally? Jon: She was a teacher every last bit of her life. She encouraged ensemble until I entered secondary school, at that point she began showing basic instruction. Jennifer: Did both of your folks set off for college? Assuming this is, where? Jon: My mom got her lone rangers degree in show at Mac Murray College in Abilene, and she got her Masters certificate in instruction. My dad additionally set off for college, for a long time, in Abilene. He was pre-law major. Jennifer: Did your folks stress the significance of decent training to you when growing up? Jon: Oh completely! My entire life there was no uncertainty that I would set off for college. Jennifer: What were your preferred subjects in secondary school? Jon: Latin, science, and recent developments. Jennifer: Did you do well in secondary school? Jon: I did entirely well. I was a B respect move understudy. I distraught the A respect roll once, when I was a sophomore. Jennifer: I am shocked that you despite everything recall that. Your folks more likely than not adulated you exceptionally. Jenn... <!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Nature of Morals Essay Example

Nature of Morals Essay Example Nature of Morals Essay Nature of Morals Essay Paper Topic: Toulmin Metaethics arrangements about the idea of moralss and good legitimate reasoning. Conversations about whether moralss is near and whether we ever act from advantage are delineations of meta-moral medicines. Truth be told. pulling the theoretical separation between Metaethics. Standardizing Ethics. what's more, Applied Ethics is itself a metaethical examination. Regularizing moralss is keen on finding the substance of our ethical conduct. Standardizing moral hypotheses try to flexibly activity guides ; processs for answering the Practical Question ( What should I to make? ) . The ethical hypotheses of Kant and Bentham are delineations of regulating speculations that try to flexibly rules for finding a particular class of good activity. Think about the Categorical Imperative in the occurrence of the previous and the Principle of Utility in the example of the last mentioned. Applied Ethics endeavors to cover with explicit realms of human activity and to create principles for talking issues that may start inside those realms. The cutting edge field of Applied Ethics excite in the late sixtiess and mid 1970s. Today. it is a blasting segment of the field of moralss. Various books and sites are dedicated to subjects, for example, Business Ethics. PC Ethics. what's more, Engineering Ethical intentions. Moral Relativism Distinctions inside Relativism There is a separation among ethics and mores . The last can be characterized as innocuous traditions ( e. g. . tea at 4 ) ; the previous as treatment of others ( e. g. . the example of Apartheid ) . In talking Relativism. we are concerned only with moral examples. The Problem of Relativism: What one society thinks about Right. another Society thinks about Wrong. In this manner. Good and bad are RELATIVE to a PARTICULAR SOCIETY. Here we should be aware of two things: ( 1 ) Confusing innocuous shows ( The British push on the left half of the course ) with hurtful practices ( Clitorectomy is standard among the Somali ) . ( 2 ) Even if moralities may vary from society to society. it need non follow that Morality Itself is similar - for there is a more remote separation between CULTURAL ( unmistakable ) RELATIVISM and NORMATIVE ( Ethical ) RELATIVISM. Social ( illustrative ) Relativism: The unmistakable relativist only notes certain sociological Fact: ( a ) Factual Claims: x is viewed as right in Society Y at cut t and x is viewed as inaccurate in Society omega at cut t. ( B ) Empirical Decision: Moralities are similar [ Note that the cases of Cultural Relativism are either evident or bogus. ] Normative ( moral ) Relativism The regulating relativist goes BEYOND any sociological realities. ( a ) Normative Claim: What is viewed as right in Society x at cut T IS directly for that Society. ( B ) Theoretical ( metaethical ) Claim: Morality Itself is Relative. Note that moral relativism does non intelligently follow from any realities revealed by clear relativism. Note other than that the moral relativist has a troublesome clasp explaining how fanatic good change can occur inside a specific culture ( similarly as with subjugation or women’s option to cast a ballot in the United States ) . Moral Egoism Psychological and Ethical Egoism. As a metaethical hypothesis of intention. mental pride states the enlightening case that the entirety of our activities can be decreased to advantage: Whenever individuals accomplish something. it is just in light of the fact that they figure something attractive for themselves will follow from it. The case is spellbinding and in this manner open to counterexamples. what's more, it is wide. saying a reductionistic proposition sing the entirety of our activities. ( Contrast mental vanity with the mental territory of comprehension. where the rib and enduring of the different turns into the inspiration for our action’. ) Moral selfishness is a regularizing hypothesis that expresses that our activities should be done from the situation of advantage. One of the occupations with this spot is that it may non be in one’s advantage to hold eveyone act from the situation of advantage. This condition of nature’ would non be attractive ( in Hobbes’ footings. life would be savage. merciless. what's more, short ) thus it may at long last be in one’s personal circumstance to come in into an agreement with others that would put restrictions upon self-intrigued activities. Utilitarian Theories Utilitarianism is a standardizing moral hypothesis that puts the setting of right and inaccurate totally on the outcomes ( impacts ) of making one move/arrangement over different activities/approaches. In that capacity. it moves past the scope of one’s ain associations and takes into history the inclusions of others. Bentham’s Utility Principle: ( 1 ) Perceives the cardinal capacity of harming and pleasance in human life. ( 2 ) affirms or objects to an activity on the balance of the total of harming or pleasance realized I. e. impacts. ( 3 ) compares great with pleasance and unethical behavior with harming. what's more, ( 4 ) affirms that pleasance and harming are equipped for evaluation ( and along these lines measure’ ) . In mensurating pleasance and harming. Bentham presents the undermentioned gauges: INTENSITY. Term. Sureness ( or UNCERTAINTY ) . what's more, its NEARNESS ( or FARNESS ) . He other than incorporates its fruitfulness ( will business as usual follow? ) and its virtue ( its pleasance won’t be trailed by harming A ; fragility versa ) . In sing activities that influence Numberss of individuals. we should other than represent its EXTENT. John Stuart Mill balanced the more gluttonous tendencies in Bentham’s precept by focusing on ( 1 ) It is non the proportion of pleasance. however, the nature of felicity that is cardinal to utilitarianism. ( 2 ) the solidification is irrational - characteristics can non be evaluated ( there is a separation among higher’ and lower’ pleasances ) . what's more, ( 3 ) utilitarianism alludes to the Greatest Happiness Principle - it tries to propel the capacity of achieving felicity ( higher pleasances ) for the most total of individuals ( this is its degree ) . Act and Rule Utilitarianism. We can utilize the standard of open assistance company to either PARTICULAR ACTIONS or GENERAL RULES. The previous is called act-utilitarianism and the last is called rule-utilitarianism. Act-utilitarianism - The standard of open assistance enterprise is applied directly to each substitute demonstration in a situation of pick. The correct demonstration is so characterized as the one which realizes the best results ( or minimal aggregate of terrible outcomes ) . * Criticisms of this position point to the difficulty of accomplishing a full discernment and without a doubt of the impacts of our activities. * It is conceivable to warrant corrupt Acts of the Apostless using AU: Suppose you could stop a territorial war by tormenting kids whose male guardians are foe soliders. in this way revealing the fell outs of the male guardians. Rule-utilitarianism - The standard of open help enterprise is utilized to discover the cogency of guidelines of conduct ( moral principles ) . A guideline like guarantee keeping is built up by taking a gander at the impacts of a universe in which individuals broke guarantees voluntarily and a universe where guarantees were following. Right and off base are so characterized as following or intruding on those guidelines. * Some ominous decisions of this spot bring up that if the Rules take into history an ever increasing number of rejections. RU crumples into AU. * More genearl horrible decisions of this position contend that it is conceivable to deliver crooked guidelines fitting to the standard of open help organization. For representation. servitude in Greece may be correct in the event that it prompted a general achievement of developed felicity at the disbursal of some mishandled people. Deontological Theories Acting from Duty Deontological regularizing moral hypotheses place the setting of right and mistaken in free connection to moral Torahs or obligations. Monistic deontology - Kant’s Categorical Imperative ( Act only on that aphorism whereby 1000 canst at a similar clasp will that it ought to go a cosmopolitan law ) gives the start of right activity. Its first arrangement regions Act as though the maxim of your activity were to acquire through your will a cosmopolitan statute of nature ; its second readiness territories Always act in order to deal with mankind. regardless of whether in your ain individual or that of another. as a terminal in itself. neer as a methods only. Activities that fit in with these jussive states of mind ( I. e. . right activities ) and are. also. done from an awareness of other's expectations. are the model of ethically praiseworthy activities. Pundits of Kant’s assault guarantee that his Categorical Imperative does non join inside it a way to choose battles of obligations. Lying isn't right can be deciphered as Never lie and in this manner Universal Principles can harden’ into Absolute Principles. Pluralistic deontology - For the twentieth Century logician W. D. Ross. there are a figure of obligations that consideration uncovers - and these sort out a gathering of driving facie obligations. The expression by all appearances ( all things being equal’ ) alludes to the way that these duties do non follow us consummately. however, rather that they overall hold - missing any more remote contemplations. Two cardinal duties are nonmaleficence ( don’t injury others ) and advantage ( help others ) . Other driving facie obligations incorporate don’t lie. ’ don’t killing. ’ keep guarantees. ’ and so on. At the point when clashes happen between obligations. our existent duty turns into that which natural judgment perceives as the best thing to make ( e. g. . misleading rescue the life of a guiltless individual ) . Pundits are careful about referencing to intuition’ as the standard for finding our existent class of activity. Step

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Postmodern Study of In the Skin of a Lion - Literature Essay Samples

The central idea of Michael Ondaatje’s In the Skin of a Lion is the presentation of the marginalised voice, which is in keeping with his motivation to craft texts of post-colonial fiction. He offers an alternative version of events to reveal the lived truth by a particular group of people. In this case, it is the Canadian migrant struggling for political, cultural and social sovereignty in the effort for solidarity and a faithfully recorded presence in history. However, this text can also be read as postmodern as it explores differing perspectives through the triumphs and tribulations of the main characters, who present different versions of reality, yet are connected through time and place. Through this meta-fictional work, Ondaatje is saying that reality, history and memory are inescapably subjective. This is the essential quality of the text. Ondaatje reveals the untold stories of the marginalized through the protagonist Patrick Lewis and the intersections of his life with other characters. To this purpose, a disjointed narrative technique free from strict chronological sequence is employed. Through poetic prose, we are made to feel Patricks silenced voice, â€Å"easily harnessed† character and isolation from â€Å"a warmth which is the odour of men†. Like the Fins who have only the heat of cows to feel a connection with humanity, Patrick feels â€Å"deliriously anonymous† in his own country and plays an ocarina â€Å"to give himself a voice†. Later, as â€Å"an immigrant† to Toronto, Patrick is inspired by the migrant workers who head towards the waterworks â€Å"in silence† yet emerge â€Å"from darkness, mothlike†¦[with] noise and light† to create a puppet show. This show is not only a celebration of humanity and multiculturalism, but also the mechanism through which the Ondaatje gives the forgotten migrants a voice to tell their struggles, lost in blinding capitalist visions. Patrick, here, st ill sees himself here as â€Å"the third person in the picture†. However, through Alice, who endows him with â€Å"energy, a confidence†, he is able to recognize that â€Å"Each person ha[s] their moment when†¦they t[ake] responsibility for the story.† From Patrick’s involvement with the migrant workers, he is presented with the first snapshot of political life with which he chooses to become involved. The shy, retiring boy is suddenly thrust into a world where individuals must claim their own rightful place. Thus, the writer shows that unofficial histories provide a source of identity for the excluded. Patrick’s encounters with the personal and profound versions of history activate his sense of political interest. This interest is translated into action when Patrick eventually confronts Commissioner Harris at the symbolically purifying waterworks to tell his story and to reserve a place in history. Ondaatje uses the imagery created by â€Å" lights† at the conclusion of the text to illustrate how Patrick, like the recurring motif of the moths, has surfaced from the darkness and silence of the tunnels to live with solidarity and a faithfully recorded presence in history. The presentation of alternative histories of people within the text, which differ from official histories, facilitates a post-colonial reading of the narrative. To explore postmodernist concerns and highlight that â€Å"Never again will a single story be told as though it were the only one†, Ondaatje integrates interrelated, juxtaposed stories of mostly fictional migrants and factual capitalists into Patrick’s autobiography. He rejects the liberal humanist idea of a grand narrative and questions authority by not using a narrative voice. This allows every story to shape meaning and blurs the distinction between fact and fiction. For example, despite finding â€Å"language is much more difficult than what he does in space†, Nicho las eventually realises â€Å"he has been sewn into history[and] begin[s] to tell stories.† Additionally, the writer shows life is fluid and interconnected, without an easily discernible pattern. As Alice once whispered, â€Å"Let me now reemphasis the extreme looseness of the structure of all objects.† Both the structure of the novel and the events within the novel are determined by this understanding of life. Herein lies a postmodern reading of this freely constructed text where diversity and plurality are promoted.Additionally, the writer’s appropriation of the Epic of Gilgamesh is used to show that Patrick possesses similar traits to the hero Gilgamesh by representing the avenger for oppressed workers and silenced voices. This application of inter-textuality, considered a technique of Postmodern writing, allows the correlation of images to Patrick’s context with an economy of language. Simultaneously, minor characters are given the right to be â€Å" part of the fairy tale†, to be part of reality, history and memory. Ondaatje glorifies the Canadian migrant’s contribution to the growth of the nation with vivid visual imagery such as â€Å"his shadow shifts like a giant alongside him†, although no record been kept, exemplifying their struggle for official acknowledgement. He also utilizes a pastiche of genres, cinematically presented through an adventure story in which Patrick experiences romance, fantasy and mystery. Ondaatje has adopted an interconnected, non-linear narrative structure, compelling the reader to piece â€Å"together various corners of the story†. Thus we become â€Å"The Searcher† in each shifting focus of the narrative deciding whose significance to remember. This reinforces the view that In the Skin of a Lion shows the postmodernist erosion of a text presenting absolute truths and a universal reality. Through the inclusion of literary techniques, therefore, the story becomes re flections of Ondaatje’s reality, and the reader trusts the journey through which they will meander.In the Skin of a Lion is a story told history which has the capacity to make connections with a broad audience. The observing child becomes the searching man, the principled worker, and then the avenger with the activated voice â€Å"who will wonder through the wilderness in the skin of a lion†. However, its poignant conclusion where the misery of human sacrifice and the pride of visionary architecture are both presented show that the novel is essentially asking us whose voice do we hearand whose story do we remember.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Reflection Of Reading The Process Of My Reading Process

My reading process overall is very strong and went smoothly. As I read I annotated the pages and this helped me stay more focused and connected with the reading. Today it was hard for me after I went to the bathroom and came back to the reading because I disconnected from the reading and had to try and dive straight back in. I also put my cell phone far away from me when I read or do homework so that I will not be tempted to look at the phone instead of completing my reading. As I read I try to connect with the text as much as I can because I find that this makes it easier for me to remember what the text talked about later. As I read the article I began connecting with not being able to read a full book in a very long time. I used to be†¦show more content†¦This helped me know who it was trying to reach me so that I could keep reading knowing that I could get a hold of them after I was done. I have learned over the years that to be a successful reader that I must be in a quiet place with little to no distractions. If I am in a loud or active place I am more likely to be distracted and not take anything away from my reading. When I read I try to be in a place where I am secluded from others and can just focus on the reading. I have found that my dorm is a good place to do this because my roommate will just put on her headphones and the room will be completely quiet. I believe that my strategy of being in a quiet place with no distraction is working well. Also my strategy of connection the text with my real life and other classes. I may need to work on being able to stay focused in the book if I do have to get up and do something in the middle of my reading. I am aware of this problem though so I just give myself time to do the reading all in one sitting. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Maslow S Hierarchy Of Needs Paper - 1131 Words

The Concept of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow developed the theory of human motivation called Hierarchy of Needs. It suggested that people need to be satisfied by all physiological needs before move on other high-order needs. I learned this concept in my secondary school which introduced how Hierarchy of Needs can be used in business management. At that moment, I can’t realize how this concept can be applied to manage people in companies, since I was student. It was difficult for me to imagine how this theory can be practically applied in the business world. When I study Consumer Behavior in this master course, it arouses my interest to understand that this theory can be applied to interpreting how consumer goods and†¦show more content†¦In addition, the company also concerns social needs which hope the employees have belonging feeling. For example, the company holds different interesting clubs to encourage employees to gather and share the hobbies in holidays, e.g. hiking club, biking club, running club etc. Apart from these clubs, the company also organizes annual dinner in order to offer a chance for different departments gather together in a relax atmosphere. The forth level is esteem needs. The company would reward those outstanding performance colleague though global announcement intranet system, which can strengthen employee’s confidence and create higher motivation to achieve good result in company. The last level is self-actualization, it may focus on top management how to achieve beyond its capabilities, for example, they can enjoy the bonus based on company’s profit. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is widely accepted in many social disciplines. However, it still has some weaknesses. Firstly, it is difficult to measure how people are satisfied in every level. There is no methods to measure precisely how satisfied one need is before the next higher need become operative. Secondly, in reality, people may seek different needs simultaneously, for instance, consumer would like to buy the car can offer safety and esteem needs. Thirdly, this theory doesn’t take account of age group consideration. Some old age people concern highest level of security,Show MoreRelatedMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs And Humanistic Psychology848 Words   |  4 PagesAbraham Maslow. Abraham Maslow is best known for his work in creating the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Humanistic Psychology. There are many things that came out of Maslow’s findings, how he contributed to psychology, how he influenced the field of psychology, and how his findings are still used in today’s society. Maslow’s approach to psychology differed from other psychologist in his time. One of the things that Maslow developed was the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. 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He was the first of seven children born to Russian - Jewish immigrants. While Maslow’s father was uneducated, he pushed his son academically and encouraged him to become a lawyer. Maslow began his extensive education at City College of New York but later told his father that he did not want to study law. In 1928, after marrying hisRead MoreEvaluate The Theory Of Motivation From Humanistic Perspective Essay1624 Words   |  7 Pagesperspective. By Marialena Posteraro Throughout this paper evaluation of motivation from a Humanistic perspective will be examined. Motivation is the drive within humans that makes us act, it is a process that influences goal directed behavior. Drives are considered internal factors that push an organism into action. Throughout our lives, we have certain drives within us that motivate us to behave and act in a certain way to fulfill our needs and desires. We have biological, social and emotionalRead MoreWhy Do We Do What You Do?1508 Words   |  7 Pagesthe determination to work and the willingness to be productive. There are a variety of views on what motivates employees and leads them to their full potential and that has been the concern of theorists and entrepreneurs for the past century like Maslow, Herzberg, Elton Mayo and Fredrick Winslow Taylor. Many theories have been made to understand what affects employees in an organization and how to motivate them. Yet, none of the theories reach the same conclusion (Kanfer, Chen and Pritchard, 2008)

Implementing ESA

Question: Describe about the Implementing ESA? Answer: Introduction Governance is all about the task of making proper decisions for any enterprise and Enterprise Solution Architecture governance is that process which is implemented so as to take enterprise decisions regarding the technology that will be used in the enterprise, the various business priorities, the information and/ or the data associated with the various activities involved with the proper functioning of the organization, and the various delivery mechanisms that are used in the enterprise like that of cloud computing. Information Technology Management And Architecture: Changes to it Management The enterprise under consideration should implement the following IT portfolio management strategies and best practices to choose the proper projects and/ or services. The organization can implement proper enterprise architecture strategies like that of the TOGAF method for this purpose and/ or the ITIL service strategies for this purpose. Changes to it Quality The enterprise in concern can implement the following changes so as to improve the quality of IT infrastructure: Implement a Service oriented infrastructure (SOA) in the organization. Implement policies regarding Mobile computing and Bring your own device at work Implement the policies required for the implementation of cloud computing. Implement big data technologies for the purpose of data analysis. Using proper IT management services and IT infrastructure, the organization in concern will be able to achieve the following : Optimized discretionaryIT expenditure Increased Information Technology productivity Optimized discretionaryIT expenditure However, the above mentioned standards will only be achieved when each and every stake holder of the organization accepts their responsibility towards the development of an information environment as a team. The commitment of all the resources of the organizationwould be a prerequisite in implementing such principles. Enterprise Solution Architecture Policy Management An operating model depicts the structural model in which the solutions provided by the ESA will actually be deployed in the enterprise such the decision makers can realize what exactly can be expected from the entire process that is being implemented. The following methodologies should be implemented in the enterprise so as to improve the operating model that has been implemented in the organization at present. Figure: ESA Policy Management Processes: the proper implementation of processes that would help in the transportation of information and/ or data and other managerial decisions that have been implemented across the entire organization is a necessary step towards the improvement of the operating model. Reward System: A proper reward system should be implemented within the operating model such that the employees remain aligned to the goals and objectives of the organization. People and Policies: Policies and strategies should be undertaken so as to influence the mentalities and skill sets of the employees through the provision of new recruitments, providing promotion to employees, making arrangements for rotational services, providing scopes of developmental training to them and so on. Enterprise Solution Architecture Business Process Management In order to improve the business process that has been currently implemented in the enterprise, the following steps should be taken: The dependency of any organization on those applications that are shared throughout the system makes it necessary to establish in advance the various risks that any change in ESA governance might pose towards the continuity of the services provided by the business. Apart from periodic reviews of the entire business process, the entire system should also be checked and cross checked for in order to find out whether the process is exposed to any vulnerability or not. Each and every other application should be assessed properly to find out their criticality and the impact that they have on the functionalities of the enterprise. Enterprise Solution Architecture Risk Management Any architecture and/ or business transformation activity will necessarily have certain risk factors associated with it. In order to track all the risks that keep on evolving throughout the transformation process, the identification, classification and mitigation of these risk factors become necessary (Booch, 2010). As the organization being considered is undergoing changes in the currently implemented ESA of the organization, the following steps need to be implemented (Long, 2010): Classification of Risks: Risks are pervasive in each and every other activity associated with the enterprise architecture and are generally present throughout all the phases of any Architecture Development Method (ADM). Processes must be implemented in the system using which the classification of all the risk factors that are associated with the activities of the organization (McNeur, 2010). Risk Identification: The various risks that will evolve through the architecture development phase of the organization need to be identified properly. Such processes need be implemented in the system which will not only be able to classify and identify any risks associated with the system, but will also be able to assess the initial level of risk before the risk mitigation phase and the level of residual risk after the risk mitigation process is completed. Risk Mitigation: Processes should be implemented in the system which can perform the tasks of risk mitigation. Implentation Plan The Team The task of ESA implementation could be assigned to a group of workers within the enterprise itself, who should have the competency to do the same: alternatively, the project can also be outsourced to any professional Information Technology solution provider (Niemi Pekkola, 2015). The key tasks that are associated with the implementation plan are: Strategizing and planning Accessing the current situation (Nrman, Johnson Gingnell, 2014) Accessing the competencies Gaining Approval Implementing the strategies Operation and evaluation Extensive researches have been conducted for preparing this report which indicate that around 7-8 months will be required for the implementation of this entire plan, and the resources that would be required for the entire process would cost around $ 80, 000. Task Assignment The following tasks will be assigned to the respective team members: Strategizing and planning: Thistask should be assigned to the group of employees involved with the activities of planning and strategizing (Oduntan Park, 2012). Accessing the current situation: Thistask should be assigned to the group of employees who are involved with the analysis of current situation. Accessing the competencies:Thistask should be assigned to the group of employees who are involved with the analysis of competencies. Gaining Approval: This task should be assigned to the management of the project. Implementing the strategies: The entire team, along with the stake holders of the organization should be involved in this task (Stroupe, Tange, Thomas, Moore Grigorieff, 2006). Operation and evaluation: After the organization starts using the ESA system, this particular process will be continuously implementedby the organization itself and the team members associated with the project. Project Plan: Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Strategizing and planning Accessing the current situation Accessing the competencies Gaining Approval Implementing the strategies Mile Stones The following milestones have to be achieved in the project implantation phase (Uhl, 2003): Gain agreement on the major problems to be solved Development of the ESA program guidelines Access the current condition of the organization Identify the EA requirements Gain agreement on the budgetary conditions Implement the plan (Blevins, 2006) Conclusion: The activities involved in governance are involved with providing only that bit of support to the organization which it requires essentially, without creating any intervention to those decisions which the enterprise takes so as to run the functionalities properly. The ESA governance should be federated in such a way that there remains a clear line regarding the dos and donts of an EA organization. References: Blevins, T. (2006). The Architecture of Enterprise Architecture.INCOSE International Symposium,16(1), 1647-1665. doi:10.1002/j.2334-5837.2006.tb02840.x Booch, G. (2010). Enterprise Architecture and Technical Architecture.IEEE Softw.,27(2), 96-96. doi:10.1109/ms.2010.42 Booch, G. (2010). Enterprise Architecture and Technical Architecture.IEEE Softw.,27(2), 96-96. doi:10.1109/ms.2010.42 Long, J. (2010). Analysis and Design Solution of the Electric Enterprise Aplication Integration Based on Service Oriented Architecture.AMM,20-23, 313-318. doi:10.4028/ McNeur, C. (2010). Andrew M. Shanken. 194X: Architecture, Planning, and Consumer Culture on the American Home Front.Enterprise And Society,11(2), 425-427. doi:10.1093/es/khq035 Nrman, P., Johnson, P., Gingnell, L. (2014). Using enterprise architecture to analyse how organisational structure impact motivation and learning.Enterprise Information Systems, 1-40. doi:10.1080/17517575.2014.986211 Niemi, E., Pekkola, S. (2015). Using enterprise architecture artefacts in an organisation.Enterprise Information Systems, 1-26. doi:10.1080/17517575.2015.1048831 Oduntan, O., Park, N. (2012). Enterprise Viability Model: Extending Enterprise Architecture Frameworks for Modeling and Analyzing Viability under Turbulence.Journal Of Enterprise Transformation,2(1), 1-25. doi:10.1080/19488289.2011.650279 Stroupe, M., Tange, T., Thomas, D., Moore, M., Grigorieff, N. (2006). The Three-dimensional Arcitecture of the EJC Core.Journal Of Molecular Biology,360(4), 743-749. doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2006.05.049 Uhl, A. (2003). Model driven arcitecture is ready for prime time.IEEE Softw.,20(5), 70, 72. doi:10.1109/ms.2003.1231155